Tran Awarded Grant to Study Tomato-Killer Pathogen

Posted on November 21, 2023
Thomas Becnel

Dr. 十大彩票网投平台生物学助理教授Tuan Tran说, was awarded a $40,美国农业部和阿拉巴马州农业和工业部提供了1万美元的资金,用于研究一种土壤细菌,这种细菌会导致番茄等作物枯萎, peppers and potatoes.  data-lightbox='featured'
Dr. 十大彩票网投平台生物学助理教授Tuan Tran说, 获得了美国农业部和阿拉巴马州农业部的4万美元资助 研究一种土壤细菌,这种细菌会导致番茄等作物枯萎, peppers and potatoes.

Dr. Tuan Tran, assistant professor of biology at the University of South Alabama, describes Ralstonia solananacearum 就像植物病原体世界里的超级反派.

这种土壤细菌会导致番茄、辣椒和土豆等作物枯萎. 世界各地的科学家多年来一直在研究它,但到目前为止 difficult to eradicate the pathogen.

“It’s an important disease,” said Tran. “It damages a wide variety of crops. Not just ones we eat, but flowers as well. And once it’s there, you cannot get rid of it. So crop rotation basically doesn’t work. Farmers would just abandon a field when they got bacterial wilt.

Ralstonia is relevant everywhere you go on every continent. From Asia and Africa to North and South America. 如果我们不小心,它会跑出去破坏其他植物,然后 there’s no effective way to control them. Ralstonia can live in water for decades.”

今年,Tran获得了一笔4万美元的资助,用于研究遗传多样性 Ralstonia 由美国农业部和阿拉巴马州农业和工业部联合发布. 

他也是一个国际团队的一员,该团队最近在Plant上发表了一篇文章 《十大彩票平台官网》,植物生物学领域的主要研究期刊. His work for that study focused on Xanthomonas campetris这种细菌会导致卷心菜和生菜等十字花科植物发生黑腐病. 

Dr. 凯利·梅杰,加州大学生物学系临时主任 South Alabama, praised his research and work with students.   

“Dr. Tran的专长是植物病理学的分子和生化方面。” Major said. 具体来说,他一直在使用新的微观和分子方法 了解植物和植物膜如何与这两种致病性相互作用 and beneficial microbes. His work is timely and of great interest, particularly here 在阿拉巴马州,农业是经济的重要组成部分. Moreover, 他的工作吸引了本科生和研究生的兴趣. 他为美国生物学学生提供了真实的、宝贵的实验室研究经验 这对培养我们未来的科学家至关重要.”

Tran获得了胡志明城市大学生物技术学士学位 of Science. 他获得了越南教育基金会的奖学金,攻读博士学位.D. in plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Then he spent five years 在新加坡南洋理工大学担任研究员. In 2021, he 接受了十大彩票网投平台的教职.

十大彩票网投平台的植物-微生物相互作用研究小组中,Tran有10名本科生 and graduate students. He hopes to inspire them the way he was inspired. His former students and those he's mentored include Ph.D. candidates at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 越南科学大学的讲师,南洋理工大学的研究生 他是新加坡大学的博士后研究员,也是东京农业大学的博士后研究员 and Technology.

他在南方实验室的主要研究重点是植物免疫和细菌的交叉 pathogenesis. 研究着眼于植物膜组成对表面免疫的影响 植物中的受体,以及细菌毒力因子如何损害植物防御 by interfering with membrane dynamics.

Tran also collaborates with Dr. Jonathon Audia, a professor of microbiology and immunology in the Frederick P. Whiddon College of Medicine 研究植物与食源性肠炎沙门氏菌的相互作用. 

For his Ralstonia 在研究中,Tran使用的是普通的罗马番茄和邦尼最佳番茄. Each year he holds 为来到南方的莫比尔中学生准备的研究报告 for “GEMS: Go Explore Math and Science!”

使用一种流行的水果可以帮助学生理解他所描述的内容. They recognize seedlings from gardens and backyards. 

“Who doesn’t like tomatoes?” Tran asked. “I usually just cook them in a soup or have them on a sandwich.”

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