
Posted on March 5, 2024

Riley Brenes站在一幅壁画前,这幅壁画将在本周末的大教堂广场花卉节上展出. 这幅壁画之前曾在斯特里克兰青年中心的院子里展出. 它的特点是山姆·拉克兰的肖像,移动场景和亮粉色杜鹃花.  data-lightbox='featured'
莱利·布雷内斯站在一幅壁画前,这幅壁画将在本周末的 Flowers in Cathedral Square. 的 mural was previously on display in the courtyard at Strickland Youth Center. It features a portrait of Sam Lackland, Mobile scenes and bright pink azaleas.

为了创作一幅十大彩票网投平台杜鹃花之路创始人山姆·拉克兰的壁画,莱利·布雷内斯与 斯特里克兰青年中心的青少年,这是莫比尔的一所青少年拘留所.

他们首先上了一堂十大彩票网投平台拉克兰的历史课,拉克兰是美化景观背后的力量 campaign in the late 1920s. 的n they began sketching city scenes and then painting a 16-by-8-foot mural. 的ir final work of art fits the “Make Your Mark” theme for this weekend’s 花节 in Cathedral Square.

Brenes, 2010年 美术 他毕业于十大彩票网投平台,从事过渡项目的工作 coordinator at the juvenile detention center. He believes painting and gardening projects help give purpose to Strickland youths.

“当他们上绘画课的时候,他们还只是孩子,”他说. “的ir minds are busy. 他们’re doing something good. Painting is like that.

“我真的相信艺术是这些孩子融入城市的一种方式. 他们 需要工作. And they did amazing work with the art and gardens.”

他还为今年的节日入口处画了一些较小的壁画. 一个特性 十大彩票网投平台,而另一张描述了慈善女儿, who founded Providence Hospital.

拉克兰壁画将在大教堂广场的舞台后面展出. A 2019年音乐节上的斯特里克兰壁画仍在对面的博物馆大道上展出 from the Mobile Museum of Art.

花节是现在的美国健康普罗维登斯医院的年度筹款活动 a “Best of Bama Charity Event” by Alabama Magazine. Teams of artists, florists and 设计师们创造陈列柜,争夺“人民选择”的炫耀权利 奖. 届时将有现场音乐表演、户外研讨会和精选食品摊贩. 捐款 is required for entry.

周四晚上7点到10点将举行花卉节晚会.m. 周五, the festival will be open to the public from 10 a.m. 到晚上9点.m.; ArtWalk coincides 从6点到9点.m.

On Saturday and Sunday, festival hours are 10 a.m. 到5点.m. Seminars include “Caring 《十大彩票网投平台》,作者是莫比尔县的园艺大师,还有《十大彩票平台官网》 《十大彩票平台官网》,作者阿米莉亚·罗斯·齐姆里奇,2022年十大彩票网投平台毕业生.

普罗维登斯医院基金会(Providence Hospital Foundation)的发展专家肯德尔·赫尔利(Kendall Hurley)提供了帮助 organize the 花节. Murals from the Strickland Youth Center, with support 来自巡回和少年法庭的法官埃德蒙·纳曼,已经成为现场的一部分. (Naman is also a USA graduate.)

“We promote them every year,” she said. “And Judge Naman always supports us, and a way of giving kids a positive outlook.”

Brenes, who grew up in Mobile, studied art at 南. 的 faculty encouraged him to 跟随他的愿景.

“如果不是他们,我想我早就离开莫比尔了,”他说. “他们显示 me that there is a place for me here. 他们 backed me 100 percent.”

毕业后,布雷内斯去了印度,并受到一位公开艺术家的启发 art in poor neighborhoods. He returned to Mobile, opened a studio in a vacant building 并与移动艺术委员会合作,启动了一个名为chart New的青年项目 方向.

在思特里克兰青年中心,布里内斯开始向青少年罪犯教授艺术. He 最终帮助创建了一个新的角色,作为过渡项目协调员,来准备 young people for when they leave juvenile detention.

去年,布雷内斯离职,在莫比尔担任物业经理. He says he’s recharging his batteries while pondering the next step in his art career.

“我一开始是做拘留所的,所以我能完全理解他们需要什么 了解孩子们,这可能是我最喜欢的部分,”他说. “有一些 great people at Strickland.”

纳曼在布雷内斯离开的那一周在社交媒体上发了一篇文章,指出布雷内斯的“有力 美丽的壁画和郁郁葱葱的绿色花园提醒着人们“真正的潜力” of the children we serve.”

“最重要的是,他是最需要他的孩子们的真正朋友,”纳曼说 写了. “他对迷失和受伤的孩子有一种神奇的魔力,似乎总是 able to bring out the best in them.”

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